BLOGS and Skincare hacks

Huidtypen en Hoe Je Je Huidtype Kunt Bepalen - Velveux

Huidtypen en Hoe Je Je Huidtype Kunt Bepalen

Een gezonde huid begint bij het begrijpen van je huidtype. Elk huidtype heeft unieke kenmerken en behoeften. In deze blogpost nemen we je mee door...

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Waarom Gezichtsrollers Geweldig Zijn: Jade Roller, Gua Sha Steen en Dermaroller - Velveux

Why Facial Rollers Are Great: Jade Roller, Gua Sha Stone and Dermaroller

Facial rollers are a hot topic in the skin care world. Whether you use a jade roller, gua sha stone or derma roller, these tools...

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Waarom Een Skincare Routine Nodig Is en Hoe Begin Je? - Velveux

Why A Skincare Routine Is Necessary and How Do You Start?

A good skincare routine helps keep your skin healthy and radiant. It protects against pollution, UV radiation and other harmful influences. Here are the five...

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7 Tips voor een Verfrissend Gehydrateerde Huid - Velveux

7 Tips for Refreshingly Hydrated Skin

Healthy skin starts with good hydration. It is not only important to hydrate your skin from the outside, but also from the inside. In this...

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Jouw Droomhuid bereiken met de Dermaroller - Velveux

Achieve your dream skin with the Dermaroller

Do you want to regain a youthful glow without expensive treatments? The dermaroller is your secret weapon! This small but powerful tool offers countless benefits...

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Waarom Je Elke Dag ZonnebrandcrĆØme Moet Aanbrengen - Velveux

Why You Should Apply Sunscreen Every Day

Those warm sun rays on your skin feel fantastic, but did you know they can also cause damage? Whether it's summer or winter, cloudy or...

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Natuurlijke en Chemische Parfums in Skincare: Wat Moet Je Weten? - Velveux

Natural and Chemical Perfumes in Skincare: What Do You Need to Know?

Perfumes play a prominent role in many skincare products, from moisturizers to cleansers. However, the distinction between natural and chemical perfumes can be confusing for...

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Lenteschoonmaak voor je Skincare Routine - Velveux

Spring cleaning for your Skincare Routine

Hello spring! The season of renewal and freshness is upon us and that means it's time to refresh your skincare routine. Here are a few...

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De Kracht van Hydratatie: Voor een Huid die Sprankelt in Elk Seizoen - Velveux

The Power of Hydration: For Skin That Sparkles in Every Season

In the changing dance of seasons, our skin faces a constant challenge. Whether it is that chilly wind that caresses our cheeks in winter or...

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