4 redenen voor gezonde selfcare routines - Velveux

4 reasons for healthy self-care routines

''If you take good care of yourself, you can take good care of others'': a statement you've probably heard, but do you also put it into practice?
Taking good care of yourself can be done in different ways and offers benefits for your health, both mentally and physically. In this blog you will find 4 reasons why it is smart to apply healthy self-care routines in your life and we give a number of practical tips.
Rest, Cleanliness, Regularity
We are all creatures of habit and most of the things we do we do on autopilot.
The statement ''Rest, Cleanliness and Regularity'' may sound a bit old-fashioned, but in today's hectic world it offers something to hold on to and many advantages!
  • Sufficient sleep (Rest) provides more energy and better performance. By resting you ensure that your body and mind can reset and that they can process all the information.
  • Good care (Cleanliness) ensures a healthy body. This is about a piece of hygiene, but also about taking care of your body through nutrition and exercise.
  • Routines (Regularity) provide structure. Both our body and mind benefit from structure, because it means they have to think less. As a result, less energy is used, which can be used for something else.
A healthy self-care routine actually meets all three components. So a big plus!
Listening to your needs
What do you need? And what do you need? With a healthy self-care routine you are in the moment for a while and this makes your needs visible. Need more peace in your life? Planning a day off or ready for a change of scenery? Doing! Or an evening with a friend on the couch? Just schedule!
Regular self-care can help you achieve a healthy work-life balance and enjoy better overall health and well-being.
You can apply this daily with, for example, a morning ritual. At Velveux we always start the day with our Jade roller.
Stop time for a moment
Time is ticking away and everything and everyone seems to be in a hurry in the things they do these days.
When was the last time you were aware of what you are doing?
By taking a break you can give yourself the rest you deserve. The advantage of this is that you can sharpen yourself and then fully go for your dreams and goals. This is also known as Sharpen the Saw. This prevents you from becoming exhausted and doing things halfway.
A good way to do this is to meditate (tip: use the Headspade or Calm app). You can meditate anywhere and you don't need any preparation. And another way is to take a bath or shower, for example with our Collagen Eye Mask .
Take care of yourself = take care of your environment
When you take care of yourself, you feel better. In addition, it has even more advantages: you are more self-confident, you are stronger in your shoes and you are better able to deal with the challenges that life sometimes throws at you. In addition, you are better able to form and maintain relationships because you are not dependent on the confirmation of others. You know you are valuable just the way you are.
With a healthy self-care routine, you put yourself first.
Feel good and discover your healthy skincare routine
We believe that your true beauty comes from within, your own ''glow''. Together with nature, we create products that give you energy and let you shine, both from the inside and from the outside. Without unnecessary additives, but with the power ingredients from nature.
Discover our natural skin care products and discover your routine!

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